I'm sorry that this is kind of a catch-all post, but I've realized that I am running out of time. And if I'm running out of time, that means you are, too! This is not my final post, but it's one made up of smaller lists, so I thought I should just get it out to you.Kitchen-y Things
6 Bridges Gallery: locally-made cheese boards, utensil sets, bowls and mugs
Kind Goods |
Kind Goods: towels, linens, wooden utensils, dishes, so many sweet thingsPaper Store: platters, cups, wine glasses, mugs
Art Signals: Glaze your own spoon rests bowls, mug, and platters
New England Appliance: Stoves and refrigerators
Books |
Art Signals |
ArtSignals: lots of like-new, used books in many themes–cooking, sports, fiction, coffee table, etc.The Paper Store: a decent book selection of many themes–cooking, sports, fiction, inspirational, journals, etc.
The Maynard Public Library: a shelf of books for sale, all in like-new condition, many of them best sellers or award winners
6 Bridges Gallery: Books on Cape Cod, Cuba, and Maynard
Kind Goods: Inspirational coffee table books
For your Pooch or Your Pet Loving People
The Paper Store |
Fancy collars: The Paper Store
Pet grooming: Wags to Whiskers, Scrub a Dog
Dog/Cat themed socks, mugs, decoration:
The Paper Store
Paint your own pet dish: Art Signals
Reflective vest for walking your dog at night:
The Outdoor Store, Ray and Sons
Headlamp for cleaning up after your dog at night (good citizen that you are): The Outdoor Store
Pet toys: The Paper Store, Sugarsnap
6 Bridges Gallery |
Home Decorating and Original ArtworkKind Goods: handmade goods sourced locally and around the world
6 Bridges Gallery: wall art, small sculptures, pottery, handmade wooden boxes, photography (many ArtSpace artists are represented here)
ArtSpace Maynard: though many artists are currently not able to work at ArtSpace, you can still reach out to them about their work. See the artist directory with sample images of their work.
UFO: 8 artists from ArtSpace, temporarily working at the UFO space
Gallery 7: for framing of your artwork or special objects
The Flower Pot: potted house plants
Richard Goddard Jewelers |
Richard Goddard Goldsmiths: custom work, repairs, and original designsKind Goods: handmade goods sourced locally and around the world
6 Bridges Gallery: Super-locally-made jewelry (many ArtSpace artists are represented here)
Raspberry Beret: pieces that can help to build entire looks
The Paper Store: accessible jewelry popular with many
Regional-Team Sports FansOutdoor Store: T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps
The Paper Store: t-shirts, hats, mugs
Foley and Sons: team rugs
Sugarsnap: caps
Maynard Merchandise
Maynard maple syrup: Maynard Maple, made here, using sugar maples from the community.
Maynardopoly game: The Flower Pot has them. They're a fundraiser for the Friends of Maynard Seniors, a group that raises funds to supplement the needs of the Senior Center.
Hand-glazed mug depicting the mill area: Kind Goods
Only in Maynard mug: The Boston Bean House, Sugarsnap, The Outdoor Store
Downtown Maynard prints, notecards, and t-shirts: 6 Bridges Gallery. These are being sold as a fundraiser for ArtSpace and will be restocked soon.
A Brief History of Maynard book: 6 Bridges Gallery
Maynard Port Wine (technically not from Maynard, but still cool): Art's Specialties
Sesquicentennial merchandise: Check the Maynard Sesquicentennial FB page for hours of when they are offering merchandise at Sanctuary
Revel Revel released their beautiful graphic print of Maynard.
Stocking Stuffers
This list isn't just for kids, and I don't actually know what people put in their stockings. When I was growing up, it was less expensive treats, maybe some socks and underwear. Maybe it's different in your house, so I'm including stocking-sized gifts.
The Outdoor Store has a big selection of stocking-sized gifts
Small, inexpensive toys, and lots of candy at Sugar Snap
Art’s Specialties has specialty chocolates
Socks and underwear are at The Outdoor Store, and The Paper Store has socks
Semi-precious stones from from Oliver's Wands and Wizarding Wares
Maple sugar candy from Maynard Maple
A can of specialty beer or other local consumables (for adults, clearly): Amory's Tomb, Art's Specialties, Green Star Herbals, Mass Wellspring
Handmade bars of soap: Kind Goods, 6 Bridges Gallery
Nail polish: Kind Goods
Original art: UFO |
Cheese boards: 6 Bridges |
Kitchenwares: Kind Goods |
Travel place setting: 6 Bridges |
Regional sports hats and caps: Sugarsnap |
Regional sports hats and caps: The Outdoor Store |
Semi-precious stones: Oliver's Wands |
Pocket knives: The Outdoor Store |
Cycling gloves: Ray & Sons |
Chocolate bars: Art's Specialties |
Band patches: Raspberry Beret |
Small outdoor gear: The Outdoor Store
CDs: Art Signals |
Nail polish: Kind Goods |
Small toys: Sugarsnap
Small toys: Sugarsnap |
Candy and small toys: Sugarsnap |
Regional team rugs: Foley & Sons (the Faucetorium) |
Fancy pet collars: The Paper Store |
Dog and cat calendars: The Paper Store |
Pet-themed gifts: The Paper Store |
Pet toys: The Paper Store |
Paint your own pet dish: Art Signals |
Pet toys: Sugarsnap |
Small bike gear and reflectors: Ray & Sons |
Handmade soaps: 6 Bridges |
Maynard history book: 6 Bridges |
Mug depicting the mill: Kind Goods |
Maynard prints and cards: 6 Bridges |
Pre-order Maynard T-shirts: 6 Bridges |
Maynaropoly: The Flower Pot |
Sesquicentennial merchandise |
Revel Revel's Maynard illustration |
I'm sorry that this post was such a motley mix, and I'm sorry that I don't have time to do the "businesses listed in the post" section. It just takes too long. I hope this helps you get your holiday shopping done now, and I hope you will remember all these cool things for the future!