Saturday, October 4, 2014

"Maynard, the Town That Feels Like a Neighborhood" (my bumper sticker)

Maybe you've seen it or heard about it—my magnetic bumper sticker.

Here's a picture of it. People have been asking about it and where they can get one, enough people that I seriously have to do the math and think about per piece costs. I think I need a real gauge for whether or not people want one. I'm not sure what the best way is to do this. If you got here via Facebook, could you leave a comment that you're interested in one? If you're not on Facebook, can you leave a comment at the end of this posting?

The cost will be somewhere between $10–$5 each, it all depends on the numbers and shipping costs. I may try to get them made by December. You may notice that it looks a little different from my first two—I've changed the type to black because I found the white type a little hard to read.

Here's how they came to be made: You already know that I love Maynard. Well, I was talking to someone who was either not from here or new to the town and I was trying to tell them why I felt like it was such a special place. I was dancing around ideas. I was talking about how towns are places that have buildings and land and stuff like that, and how we were really lucky that we have such a lovely accessible downtown area. Then I was saying that even though we have the downtown, what was really great about this place is the people with Maynard as a backdrop. I said something like, "In Maynard it's possible to know and connect with lots of people—it's kind of like a neighborhood."

And then I realized that that's exactly why I love it here, and I started thinking that other people probably felt the same way, but they just hadn't found those words yet. So I thought I'd make myself a bumper sticker and start letting everyone know what they already knew in their hearts.

Allow me to be corny now. This is truly a great place to live, and if you're one of the people living here and I'm lucky enough to know you, you've helped make this place what it is for me. Thank you.


  1. Hi yes I'd love one. Perfectly said.

    1. They've printed! If you're still interested, you can pick up a bumper magnet at ArtSpace Downtown. They're $5.

  2. I would buy one! But $2.50-3.00 is about how much I'd spend on a bumper sticker.

    1. Elizabeth, it's tricky because I can't buy a quantity high enough to lower the price. I guess I could get the adhesive kind, but I hate that.

    2. They've printed! If you're still interested, you can pick up a bumper magnet at ArtSpace Downtown. They're $5.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'd buy one. Especially if it were a magnet.
    -Claire N.

    1. They've printed! If you're still interested, you can pick up a bumper magnet at ArtSpace Downtown. They're $5.

  5. I'd get one too - I prefer to have a magnetic one or if it had to be a sticker, the kind you can put on a window versus the actual bumper.

  6. They've printed! If you're still interested, you can pick up a bumper magnet at ArtSpace Downtown. They're $5.

  7. Are the bumper magnets still available?

    1. You can buy them at 6 Bridges Gallery (77 Main St.). Thank you for asking.
